ChildLine 1098 Project Services

CHILDLINE is a national 24 hour emergency phone service and outreach service for children in need of care and protection. Any child or adult can call to 1098, toll free number to report of an issue relating to child in distress. It is a project supported by CHILDLINE INDIA FOUNDATION; MUMBAI under Mission Vatsalya Scheme( Child Protection Services and Child Welfare) of Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India which is extending Technical and financial Support to the project
In Srikakulam Distract, YCB is the Collaborative NGO and running Toll Free Services in Srikakulam district Hqrs and availing the field level support from Sub- Centers in Peddapeta, Pathaptanam, Palasa and Itchapuram. CHILDLINE services were started on 1st July 2011 and continued its services during 2022-23 also.
Operational Area: 12 Revenue Mandals in Srikakulam Division, Jalumuru in Palakonda Division and Kotabommali in Tekkali Division of united Srikakulam District, A.P
Activities Undertaken During Reporting Period
Analysis of Case Interventions during 1stApril, 2022 to 31st March 2023
270 among 408 are Core Interventions, but 187 children were presented before Child Welfare Committee seeking Care & Protection among them 41 Children were Sheltered in Child Care Institutions, others restored with their parents and families. During our team follow up, it was observed that 43 children were out of Schools and they were mainstreamed in Government schools during 2022-23. They were continuing their education in respective Schools/institutions.

School Awareness and Other Awareness Programs
444 Sensitization meetings conducted, reached around 56363 stakeholders and created awareness on CHILDLINE services, Child Rights and Child related Acts among Students, Anganwadi workers, SHGs Women, NREGA workers, front line Officers, Teachers, PCO owners, Auto Drivers, ANMs, Railway Police and Govt. officers. As a result of it 25 children at risk and need of care and protection were provided with shelter or restoration with their families
Open House Meetings
​Open house is a platform for children to intra-face with officers and their parents to discuss on their issues. We have conducted 12 Open House meetings in 12 Villages spread in 6 mandals and 1 Urban area to address the identified social issues like School dropouts, Child marriages, Child Abuse and Drug Addiction etc. We have involved Allied systems in these meetings and created proper awareness among village level key persons and front line workers who are responsible to implement various schemes/Acts in villages. So we brought good impact among communities on these issues. These Open House meetings helped our CHILDLINE Collab team to receive 37 interventions from remote villages of the project area
Mass Awareness Programs/Night Outreach
8 Mass awareness programs and were conducted during national festivals; religious festivals; and weekly sandis to reached unreached populations in remote areas. Around 53000 persons were contacted and given orientation on child related issues and Child Rights in these programs. They got information regarding child related Acts and they assured for their support to childline.Night Outreach programs were conducted in Vatsavalasa Jathara in Gara Mandal and RTC complex, Srikakulams created awareness on Child Related issues such as Begging, Child Labour, Child Abuse and Child Missing among General Population and Pilgrims. Rescued 14 Child Beggars and restored them with their parents after giving counseling
Review Meetings
​we have conducted 26 weekly/12 monthly review meetings with team members, reviewed the progress of interventions and identifieds the bottlenecks for preparing plans accordingly. It helped team members to work effectively to address the issues of children.
Activities Undertaken During Reporting Period
On 30/07/2022- World Day against Trafficking in persons was conducted in ZPH D.Matyalesam Etcherla Mandalam. Messages were given by guests on
On 07-10-2022 International Girl Child Day was conducted in AP Model School Ponduru, Prizes were distributed to Winners; Messages were given by guests on the importance of Girls Education.
On 02.10.2022 Gandhi Jayanthi Celebrations were conducted in Srikakulam where guests were delivered the importance of Gandhian Principals to be followed by Children and youth.
On 10.09.2022 we conducted world Suicide prevention day in our office and orientation was given to our project staff by Mr.P.Nageswara Rao Psychology Expert
During 14th to 20th November, 2022 Childline Se Doste week long celebrations were conducted in different Mandals. Posters were released by Sri SriKesh B. LathkarIAS District Collector in the presence of Mrs.G.R.Radhika IPS Superintendent of Police Srikakulamand Other Dignitaries on 14th November. A series of Activities were conducted in different places and created awareness on Cshildline services and made them children friendly. Around 20000 populations were actively participated in the week long celebrations