Gramasiri Farmer Producer Company Limited
Further the Second FPO was sanctioned for Maize Crop which was registered under company Act 2013 during July 2019 named after Gramasiri Farmer producer Company Ltd.It is functioning well with a membership of 566 Maize farmers and generated RS 5.40 Lakhs paid up share capital.
Gramasiri FPO started seeds and fertilizer business after receiving required Licenses from Department of Agriculture. Further the procurement of maize from its members started, 100 metric tons of maize procured and supplied to M/S Vizayanagara Bio.tech pvt ltd,12 paddy procurement Centers (Cluster RBKs) were sanctioned to FPO by the Civil Supplies Corporation which were setup in
RBKs and procured paddy from farmers enrolled in e-crop during 2022 kharif season
NABKISAN finance Ltd, A Subsidiary of NABARD sanctioned and released Rs 15.00 Lakhs working capital loan. The FPO turnover is crossed RS 62.30 Lakhs and gained net profit of Rs. 0.97 lakhs during the year. The company was stood in ‘A’ Grade as per NABPORTAL Rating. The FPO received Rs.5.00 Lakhs grant from NABARD APRO under business development assistance scheme.