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Access to Sanitation Pubnlicity- Prachar

Health and sanitation Program supported by UNICEF-Hyderabad

The program is initiated with the support of UNICEF to achieve 20 “open defecation free (ODF)” Grama Panchayats in five mandals of Srikakulam district. The efforts are continued with the support of NGO networks of NATURE, SWEEP, ARTS and GUEST to motivate 10000 families for construction of individual household latrines and all the Grama Panchayats are encouraged to attain the ODF status. YCB is the lead NGO and implements the program with the collaboration of the Department of Rural Water Supply & Sanitation, GOAP. Different strategies like street plays, village level meetings, one to one contacts, publicity through Prachara ratham, Triggering, distribution of IEC material, were implemented to motivate rural people.

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