School Readiness and Bala Vikas Program
Youth Club – Bejjipuram (YCB), a civil society has been implementing education related programmes in the district for the last 35 years with the collaboration of Department of School Education. We have successfully implemented Residential Bridge Course Centres, Spl.
Schools for Child labour and migrant children and mainstreamed more than 10000 school drop outs, Never enrolled children in Government schools. More than 12500 illiterate adults were literated under Adult Education project implemented with the support of Ministry of Human resource Development, Govt.of India.
Youth Club – Bejjipuram (YCB) initiated School Readiness & Balavikas Project in Laveru and Ranastalam Mandals in 20 Primary Schools and 25 Anganwadi Centers with the permission obtained from the then District Collector Dr.P.L.Narasimham garu IAS during 2017-18 as a pilot program. The program is being supported by INDIA LITERACY PROJECT, a group of intellectuals from US.
The aim of the program was to prepare preschool children to admit in 1st standard in primary schools and to inculcate culture of consistency in 1st and 2nd standards by implementing Balabadi Method adopted by SODHANA Trust of Cheepurapalli in Vijayanagaram District. As part of the program we have trained teachers on Balabadi Method and prepare Teaching Learning Materials to use in teaching. To improve interest levels of children, we have conducted events in primary schools 4 times in a year which gave good results
Gradually we have extended the program activities to 163 Anganwadi Centers, 160 Primary / UP Schools in 7 target Mandals – Ranastalam; Laveru;Etcherla; Ponduru; G.Sigadam; Gara and Srikakulam Rural with permissions obtained from Disrict Educational officers. Also, we have initiated interventions like Children Libraries and Science Kits in Up Schools during last 5 years.
In between during 2018-19 to 2022-23, we have introduced some interventions in High Schools such as Children Libraries, Science Kits, Career Guidance, Child Right Clubs and Life Skills. During 2018-19 initiated the interventions in 20 High Schools. Gradually extended to 53 High Schools during last 4 years. These interventions helped school children to improve their literacy skills; knowledge in science subjects and choosing better career options.
Last year with the instructions of the then Joint Collector; Srikakulam; District Educational Officer collected feedback from Primary /UP Schools and High Schools.
After satisfying with the feedback; The Joint Collector sir issued instructions to the DEO to issue permission to our NGO to extend our pragrammes in these 7 mandalams.
Interventions Undertaken During 2022-23
Anganwadi Centers Level
Implemented Balabadi Methodology of Teaching Learning Process in 163 Pre - Primary Schools.
Conducted training to 163 Anganwadi workers on Balabadi and Pre School Education (CDF) module and supplied teaching learning materials.
Conducted Events on in avarage 4 times in each center and improved the interest levels of both children and their parents.
Trained 125 Anganwadi Helpers on Preparation of Nutrition food materials using low cost materials and on maintenance of personal hygiene.
Orientation given to Mothers Committees on their Rolls and Responsibilities for strengthening of Anganwadi Centers in academic levels and infrastructure creation

Primary/UP School Level
Introduced Balabadi Methodology in 160 Primary Schools. Teachers were trained on Activity Based Teaching Learning Methods.
TLM supplied and extended training support to teachers to prepare TLM relevant to syllabus.
Conducted events like Arrow festival; Welcome day; Kite festival; Fancy dress competition; Drawing competition; Paper toys and Mud toys making and celebrating National Festivals.
Orientation to Parents Committee chairman or Members on Community participation in school development process
Motivation campaigns organized to encourage parents to bring their children back to schools.
Created awareness on hygienic Practices like Hand Wash; Wearing washed Cloths; Wearing Cheppals and nail cutting regularly and Supplied kits comprising hand wash liquid, napkins and nail cutter to schools.
Identified 1419 backward children in 80 primary schools (1to 5 classes) and established 80 village level centers to teach these children with the support of teachers and PMCs. 1234 children out of 1419 were improved age-appropriate competencies and rejoined in respective classes.
80 Vidhya Saathis were appointed in 80 VLCs and conducted training to them. Supplied TLM and English work book to these VLCs. Now planning to supply Telugu and Maths work books. Most of these Vlcs are working in School premises during school working hours.
35 children libraries established in 35 UP schools to facilitate children to access books according to their standards. Followed GROWBY method in these libraries.
20 UP Schools were provided with portable science kits and given orientation to science teachers on demonstration of experiments in chemistry and physics.
Conducted Learning Level Assessment at the beginning and ending of Academic year to assess the learning levels of children with the support of teachers.
Reading Level Assessment was conducted to assess the reading competencies of children and inculcating reading habit among children.
Interventions Implemenented in High School
50 High Schools were supplied with portable science kits and teachers were oriented on demonstration of science experiments with the support of ILP team Benguluru.
50 High Schools were supplied with children Library Books and teachers were given orientation on use of GROWBY method in these libraries
Reading Level Assessment was conducted to assess the reading competencies of children and encouraged children to reading habit.
Introduced career guidance in 50 High Schools; Teachers were given training; Supplied Career Information chart, Career planners both in English and Telugu versions. Conducting HOLLAND test coding to assess their career options.
During 2021-22, 11 merit students were supported with Scholarships @ Rs 10,000/- each in order to continue their further studies. During 2022-23, 14 students were supported with merit scholarships @ Rs 10,000 each – selected 2 per each mandal for 7 mandals.
Conducted life skills on Menstrual Hygiene and 106 adolescent girls were given TOT training with the support of expert faculty of RIMS / GEMS medical colleges and relevant material was supplied to them. They in turn conducted orientation to 8939 girls in their respective schools.
Child Right Clubs formed in 53 High Schools. Alternate leadership among children was emerged to tackle the issues of children – linkup them with 1098 child line services.
​​Conducted Learning Level Assessment at the beginning and ending of Academic year to assess the learning levels of children with the support of teachers.
Events during National Festivals conducted – Azadika Amrit Mahotsav celebrated – Rallies conducted on Environment protection – Plantation of fruit bearing saplings.
Conducting competitions 4 times in a year during Gandhi Jayanthi; Vivekananda Jayanthi; Children’s Day, National Girl Child Day; Women’s Day; National Science Day -3290 Medals and Certificates awarded to winners involving parents’ committees; Mandal level Officers; Village Level functionaries in their events.
Community participation encouraged – Rs 1.51 Lakhs worth of items contributions raised to facilitate schools.
We are planning to continue our activities in 53 High Schools and 140 Primary / UP Schools and request to extend our activities to 10 newly identified High Schools and 100 Primary / UP Schools in these 7 mandals during 2023-24 Academic year. We are very much eager to have the collaboration of school education in order to strengthen Primary/ UP/ High schools.

High and Higher Secondary Schools
Science kits were provided to 10 Higher secondary schools
Career Guidance sessions conducted and 4838 children were facilitated information on Career Building
Child Rights Clubs were formed in 73 High/ Higher secondary schools and 146 child leaders were trained on leadership qualities.
146 Adolescent girls were given orientation on Menstrual Hygiene and made them TOTs to conduct orientation to Adolescent Girl Children in these schools.
24 Merit students were facilitated scholarships @ Rs 10000/- each.