Target Intervention Program for high risk Groups supported by APSACS

This report basically dealt with the progress of interventions implemented under TI Project supported by AP State Aids Control Society-Vijayawada during April 2022 to March 2023aiming at empowering the HRGs in Srikakulam District of coastal Andhra Pradesh.
The Project services are being delivered to 1512active HRGs out of 3576 registered population. Among them 712 are Female Sex Workers and 717 are MSMs &83 are TGs.
The target area consist of 64 Hotspots spread over in 13 Revenue Mandals and 4 Urban Municipalities. The target group FSWs consist of street based, brothel based and Home based categories and MSMs consist of Kothi, Double ducker and transgender categories
During the year 16 Peer Educators identified 281 New HRGs. It gave new strength to the Project with the inclusion of New HRGs. The PEs and ORWs were capacitated in Project components by organizing 2 internal trainings utilizing the resources and support extended by Project Officer- SETU, ICTC / DSRC staff and DPM- DAPCU, Srikakulam
The Target Intervention project is a core composite offering services to HRGs mainly on 6 components as follows:
Behavior change Communication
STI Management
Condom promotion
Referrals & linkages
Enabling environment
Community Mobilization
Goals and Objectives of the Intervention
The Halt and reverse the epidemic of HIV/AIDS infection among 1512 HRGs in 13 Targeted Mandalas of Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh under NACP -IV
To implement effective Behavior change communication to prevent new infections among 1512 HRGs
To increase 100% knowledge levels of 1512 HRGs on prevention and control of STI/HIV infections
To improve health seeking behavior among 1512 HRGs by implementing effective BCC strategies at field level through peer educators and peer navigators
To increase consistent and correct use of condoms among 1512 HRGs by increasing their negotiation and communication skills.
To increase utilization of services available with Govt. institutions like ART, ICTC,PPTCT,DMC,DSRC and clinics like CHC/PHC/UHC/AH
To empower and strengthen 2 Community Based Organizations so as to enable them to address, the common issues of the HRGs separately for MSMs/TGs and FSWs Communities.
To ensure optimum utilization of the referral services available in Govt. Institutions by 1512 Active HRGs.
To improve Socio - Economic back ground of the 1512 HRGs and thereby stop trafficking of Women and adolescent Girls among their families.
To create enabling environment to HRGs with the support extended by Government, NGOs, Public representatives and Power structures